Feng Shui Bagua Map
A Feng Shui Bagua map is the primary element of the feng shui practice. It is this map that helps in identifying the different energy areas of a house. There are two different forms of Bagua maps, one is the Classical form and the other one is the Black Hat Sect form (BTB). The classical form is the traditional one and has been in practice for a long time now when compared to the BTB. Generally feng shui practitioners prefer the classical form to BTB as it is this form that considers the aspect of directions to identify the different energy areas, whereas BTB ignores the same.
The first step to identify the feng shui bagua area of your home is to take a proper compass reading. The reading has to be taken from the direction of the main door, and the results when coupled with the house floor plan can be used to zero in the different bagua areas of your home. This is done by virtually placing the overlay of the floor plan over the bagua map. Feng Shui typically has 8 directions or areas that are associated with nine different elements and each of it relates to a specific color and life area. In order to understand feng shui bagua map better, we need to need to know the major components that make a map complete.
East Bagua: This direction of the bagua relates itself to the feng shui element wood and life areas of health and family and is associated with the colors of brown and green.
North East Bagua: This direction of the bagua denotes the element of Earth and life areas of Self Cultivation and Spirituality. As earth is the element for this bagua, the colors associated with this one includes Sandy colors such as Light Yellow, Beige.
South East Bagua: This bagua relates to the element of wood again, but here the life areas are prosperity, money and abundance. The colors associated with this bagua are similar to that of East Bagua.
West Bagua: This direction of the bagua relates to the element of metal with children and creativity being the life areas. White and gray are the colors associated with bagua.
North West Bagua: Here the element is metal again but here it is associated to travel, blessings and helpful people while the relevant colors are same as of the West Bagua.
South West Bagua: Earth is the element in this feng shui bagua and represents critical life areas of love and marriage. The colors white and gray associate themselves with this bagua.
North Bagua: This direction of the bagua relates to the element of water with life path and career being the life areas. The shades of blue and black represent this bagua.
South Bagua: This direction of the bagua denotes the element of fire and life areas of reputation and fame. As fire is the element for this bagua, bright and vivid colors such as bright yellow, orange, red, pink and purple associated with this feng shui bagua direction.
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The post Feng Shui Bagua Map appeared first on Shriram Properties.
by Balaji R via Shriram Properties
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